Laboratory for thermodynamics and energy efficiency (LTEF) conducts testing of the solar thermal and photovoltaic technologies, heat pumps as well as other components of the energy systems. Laboratory for aero and hybrid energy systems (LHAES) covers wide spectrum of measurements from the fluid mechanics, modelling and development of the drones is also being conducted in the same laboratory.
The focus of the research in the five-years period would be directed on development of the smart cooling techniques for photovoltaic panels, development of the hybrid energy systems with high share of renewables. Modelling and development of the drones would be also one of the key goals in assumed time. Application of the various phase change materials (PCM) would be analysed and experimental investigation of their physical properties. Different waste based PCM materials will be also analysed as cheap and widely accessible PCMs that can have less environmental impact than convectional PCMs. Active cooling techniques for PV panels would be also investigated as combination of active and passive cooling approaches, where also PVT collectors will be analysed. Optimization of the working parameters would be conducted to ensure smart cooling system with minimized consumption of electricity. Investigation of the personal thermal comfort models would be also obtained towards development of the smart regulation systems for air-conditioning devices. Improvement of the aerodynamic characteristics of the drones would be also obtained both by numerical and experimental way. Various aerodynamic profiles would be examined in laboratory conditions. Energy aspect of the complex energy systems would be also examined, both for stationary and mobile energy transfer. Examination of personal thermal comfort will be also examined in the case of the office buildings. Investigation would be focused on experimental work in office buildings in several locations.