Research group in physics

group leader

assist. prof. Damir Lelas, PhD


prof. Ilja Doršner, PhD
prof. Nikola Godinović, PhD
Mijo Matković, MSc Phys.
Toni Šarić, MSc Phys.
Ana Šćulac, MScEng

Research topics

  1. High energy particle phycis – CMS group
  2. Astroparticle physics – MAGIC and CTA-LST group
  3. Theoretical physics of particles and fields

Description of laboratory and equipment

Laboratory for characterisation of photodetectors is founded with the aim to measure all relevant parameters of various photodetectors, with emphasis on new generation of single photon detectors. It is equipped with computer controlled temperature chamber, 6485 Keithley picoampermeter, Keithley 6487 voltage source/picometer, 2000 Keithley multimeter, CAEN N478 programmable source, CAEN silicon multiplier package. Recently, the lab has been upgraded with two CCD camers with partially overlaped fields of view (for CTA/LST consortium).

Contacts with academic and other institutions

  • European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland
  • Polytechnic Institute of Paris, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
  • Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich, Germany
  • Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia
  • University of Rijeka, Croatia
  • Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia
  • Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
  • University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Paris-Sud University, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, France
  • University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • University of Basel, Switzerland
  • Laboratoire d’Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), France
project title

Particle and astroparticle physics (ASTROHEP)

Description of research in a 5-year term

The discovery of the Higgs boson by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the LHC opened a new era in particle physics. Precise measurements of the properties of the detected particle are the next step in research in the Higgs region. Precise measurements of a particle’s parameters are of crucial importance for physics inside and outside the Standard Model of Elementary Particles. The group’s activities are planned to work on the theoretical and experimental aspects of the search for leptoquarks at the LHC. It is also planned to continue work on the analysis of the Higgs boson pair production process and aspects of the LR symmetric theory. The project proposal envisages an analysis and the possibility of measuring the mentioned process, which could confirm aspects of the Left-Right symmetric theory, including the latest data from the LHC collision in the so-called run 3 phases of LHC operation (planned integrated luminosity of 400 fb-1 until the end of 2025). It is planned to expand the current phase space of the search for masses WR and N.

The aforementioned analysis should benefit to a large extent from the planned establishment of a theoretical group of elementary particle physics at the University of Split, during 2024 and 2025, where it is planned that the head of the group (the so-called chair position) will be Professor G. Senjanović, one of the authors of LR symmetric theory.

In parallel with the physical analysis, a strong continuation of the work on the HGCAL project, the future forward calorimeter of the CMS, is planned. The group’s activities are particularly pronounced in connection with the performance of the HGCAL first level trigger, as well as the reconstruction and identification of electrons and photons. It is particularly significant that experts from FESB in the field of electronics and computing from the Department of Digital Systems and Networks are also involved in the project.

In addition to the CMS activities, activities on the collection and analysis of MAGIC telescope data are also planned.

Equally, it is expected to continue work on the analysis of high-energy gamma data collected by MAGIC from sources that are candidates for Pevatrons (PeV cosmic ray sources). Our group works on the development of Large Size Telescope (LST), Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) observatories and is responsible for the design, construction and commissioning of systems for precise tracking and correction of telescope pointing. The precision directivity measurement system for the first telescope built, the LST-1, was recently successfully commissioned. It is planned to build, test and put into operation the same system for the remaining three telescopes LST-2,3,4, and it is also planned to work on the development of software for analyzing the data that will be collected by these telescopes.

Group members will also consider phenomenological physics scenarios outside the Standard Model that can be experimentally verified. Special attention will be paid to scenarios that can generate neutrino masses, cause proton decay, affect the taste physics in the lepton sector of the Standard Model, as well as change the anomalous magnetic moments of elementary particles such as electrons and muons.