International and EU-funded projects

List of EU projects

  1. Contemporary technologies for natural and man-made disasters management
    Acronym: SmartProtect
    Duration: 2024. –
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Sven Gotovac
  2. Civil Protection Plan Digitalization through Internet of Things Decision Support System based Platform
    Acronym: Digital Plan
    Duration: 2024. –
    FESB team project lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Petar Šolić
  3. STRategies for assessing climate change and natural hazards’ impact on urban ecosystems, increasing resilience to ENvironmental hazards, and promoting territorial GrowTH
    Acronym: STRENGTH
    Duration: 2024. –
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Lovre Krstulović-Opara
  4. A System for Recognizing Emotions from EEG Signals in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Acronym: SENSE
    Duration: 2024. –
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Mladen Russo
  5. Micro fuel cells as an alternative power source for mobile devices
    Acronym: MFC2GO
    Duration: 2024. –
    FESB team project lead: doc. dr. sc. Željko Penga
  6. Electrochemical compression of hydrogen using a PEM fuel cell with adjusted operating parameters
    Acronym: ECH-IP-POC
    Duration: 2024. –
    FESB team project lead: doc. dr. sc. Ivan Pivac
  7. Overcoming the Technological Hurdles in the Incorporation of Biopolymers as Ion Exchange Membranes in Fuel Cells Applications
    FESB team project lead: doc. dr. sc. Željko Penga
    Duration: 2023. –
  8. Research and Development of Control Algorithms for Operating Electrolyzers with Highly Variable Input Currents
    Duration: 2023. –
    FESB team project lead: prof. emer. dr. sc. Frano Barbir
  9. North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley
    Acronym: NAHV
    Duration: 2023. –
    FESB team project lead: prof. emer. dr. sc. Frano Barbir
  10. Accuracy Verification in Energy and Computing
    Duration: 2023. –
    FESB team project leads: izv. prof. dr. sc. Petar Šolić and izv. prof. dr. sc. Toni Perković
  11. National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC Phase 2
    Acronym: EUROCC2
    Duration: 2023. –
    FESB team project lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivo Stančić
  12. European Network on Extreme Fire Behavior
    Acronym: Nero
    Duration: 2023. –
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Ljiljana Šerić
  13. An Excellence based Curriculum for the Improvement of LEAN & Green Management Skills in SME
    Acronym: ExCurS
    Duration: 2022. –
    FESB team project lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Nikola Gjeldum
  14. International Engineering Competence Centres to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro
    Acronym: INTEC
    Duration: 2023. –
    FESB team project lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivan Tolj
  15. The European University of the Seas Alliance navigating towards modern and co-transformative inter-campus life; people-driven, planet-friendly and knowledge-based progress for all
    Acronym: SEA-EU 2.0
    Duration: 2023. –
  16. Developing a holistic, risk-wise strategy for European wildfire management
    Acronym: FirEURisk
    Duration: 2021. –
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Darko Stipaničev
  17. Compact muon solenoid detector
    Acronym: CMS collaboration
    FESB team project lead: n/a
    Duration: 1994. –

List of bilateral projects

  1. Nadilaženje tehnoloških poteškoća prilikom korištenja biopolimera u svrhu izrade ionski provodljivih membrana za vodikove gorive članke
    Duration: 2024. –
    Project lead: doc. dr. sc. Željko Penga
  2. Razvoj algoritma za simulaciju strujanja fluida i bioelektromagnetizam
    Collaboration: FESB i Sveučilište u Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo
    Duration: 2018. –
    Project lead: prof. dr. sc. Dragan Poljak
  3. Topološka optimizacija stupnjevanih materijala s negativnim koeficijentom Poissonovog koeficijenta
    Collaboration: FESB i Sveučilište u Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo
    Duration: 2018. –
    Project lead: prof. dr. sc. Lovre Krstulović Opara

Completed EU projects

  1. Hydrogen fuelled utility vehicles and their support systems utilising metal hydrides
    Acronym: Hydride4Mobility
    Duration: 2018. – 2024.
    FESB team project lead: doc. dr. sc. Ivan Tolj
  2. With a healthy lifestyle we grow
    Acronym: raSTEMo
    Duration: 2022. – 2024.
    FESB team project lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Petar Šolić
  3. Innovative pontoon for raising shellfish fry
    Acronym: FLUPSY
    Duration: 2022. – 2023.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Branko Klarin
  4. Creating holistic innovation capacity
    Acronym: CHIC
    Duration: 2021. – 2023.
    FESB team project lead: doc. dr. sc. Ivo Marinić-Kragić
  5. Research and development of smart-grid charging station for electric vehicles within the construction of a rotary parking system
    Acronym: MsEVP
    Duration: 2021. – 2023.
    FESB team project lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Damir Jakus
  6. System for Establishing a Stable Electric Distribution Network
    Acronym: GridS
    Duration: 2021. – 2023.
    FESB team project lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivan Marasović
  7. The development of a passenger sailing ship with zero exhaust gas emissions
    Acronym: LEDA zeleni jedrenjak
    Duration: 2020. – 2023.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Branko Klarin
  8. Virtual Telemedicine Assistance
    Acronym: VITA
    Duration: 2021. – 2023.
    FESB team project lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Mladen Russo
  9. Centar kompetencija za naprednu mobilnost
    Acronym: CEKOM
    Duration: 2020. – 2023.
    FESB teams project leads: prof. dr. sc. Željan Lozina, prof. dr. sc. Branko Blagojević, izv. prof. dr. sc. Boris Ljubenkov, prof. dr. sc. Lovre Krstulović Opara, prof. dr. sc. Mirjana Bonković, izv. prof. dr. sc. Joško Radić, prof. dr. sc. Branko Klarin, doc. dr. sc. Ivan Marasović
  10. Establishment of the Regional Competence Center for Electrical Engineering and Computing in the Split-Dalmatia County
    Duration: 2019. – 2023.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Damir Vučina
  11. RoboFutura
    Duration: 2021. – 2022.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Tamara Grujić
  12. European University of the Seas
    Acronym: SEA-EU
    Duration: 2019. – 2022.
  13. Coastal Autopurification Assessment Technology
    Acronym: CAAT
    Duration: 2019. – 2022.
    FESB team project lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Ljiljana Šerić
  14. Advanced methods and technologies in Data Science and Cooperative Systems
    Acronym: DATACROSS
    Voditelji projektnih timova s FESB-a: prof. dr. sc. Nikola Godinović, prod. dr. sc. Dragan Poljak
  15. STIM-REI (eng. Research, Education, Innovation)
    Duration: 2017. – 2022.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Frano Barbir
  16. National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC
    Acronym: EuroCC
    Duration: 2020. – 2022.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Maja Štula
  17. Dig IT – Development of occupational standards and qualification standards in computer science
    Duration: 2019. – 2022.
    FESB team project lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Toni Perković
  18. Application of the Croatian qualification framework for university study programs in the field of electrical engineering
    Acronym: HKO-ELE
    Duration: 2019. – 2022.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Mojmil Cecić
  19. Implementation of HKO in computer science professional studies
    Duration: 2019. – 2022.
    FESB team project lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Stipo Čelar
  20. Performance and Reliability of Photovoltaic Systems: Evaluations of Large-Scale Monitoring Data
    Duration: 2017. – 2021.
    FESB team project lead: Tihomir Betti
  21. Active electrical energy storage and stabilization systems
    Acronym: ASPEMS
    Duration: 2017. – 2021.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Ozren Bego
  22. Support for the preparatory phase for the DEMO Orientated Early Neutron Source IFMIF-DONES
    Acronym: DONES-PreP
    Duration: 2019. – 2021.
    FESB project team lead: prof. dr. sc. Dragan Poljak
  23. Code development for integrated modeling, ITER Physics Work Package
    Duration: 2014. – 2021.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Dragan Poljak
  24. Renewable micro power plant initiative
    Acronym: RMPPI
    Duration: 2017. – 2020.
    FESB team project lead: doc. dr. sc. Ivan Marasović
  25. Prototip inteligentnog sustava za potragu i spašavanje
    Acronym: iSPIS
    Duration: 2017. – 2020.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Vladan Papić
  26. RObotic and ICT based iNNovative educatIon
    Acronym: RONNI
    Duration: 2018. – 2019.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Vladan Papić
  27. Advanced characterisation and classification of radiated emissions in densely integrated technologies
    Duration: 2015. – 2019.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Dragan Poljak
  28. Giantleap Improves Automation of Non-polluting Transportation with Lifetime Extension of Automotive PEM fuel cells
    Acronym: Giantleap
    Duration: 2016. – 2019.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Frano Barbir
  29. AUTomotive deRivative Energy system
    Acronym: AutoRE
    Duration: 2015. – 2018.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Frano Barbir
  30. Europska mreža za inovativne upotrebe elektromagnetskih polja (EMF) u biomedicinskim aplikacijama
    Duration: 2014. – 2018.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Antonio Šarolić
  31. Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar
    Duration: 2013. – 2017.
    FESB team members: prof. dr. sc. Dragan Poljak, izv. prof. dr. sc. Silvestar Šesnić
  32. Mreža inovativnih Tvornica za učenje NIL
    Duration: 2013. – 2017.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Ivica Veža
  33. Establish Pan-European Information Space to Enhance Security of Citizens
    Acronym: EPISECC
    Duration: 2014. – 2017.
    FESB team members: izv. prof. dr. sc. Josip Lörincz, prof. dr. sc. Mario Čagalj
  34. WIND RISK Prevention
    Duration: 2015. – 2016.
    FESB team project lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Ljiljana Šerić
  35. System automation of PEMFCs with prognostics and health management for improved reliability and economy
    Acronym: SAPPHIRE
    Duration: 2013. – 2016.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Frano Barbir
  36. Sigurnija i učinkovitija kogeneracijska/trigeneracijska postrojenja
    Duration: 2014. – 2016.
    Voditelj projektng tima s FESB-a: prof. dr. sc. Božo Terzić
  37. Research and Development of Hydrogen Energy System in Conjunction with Renewable Energy Sources
    Duration: 2014. – 2016.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Frano Barbir
  38. ME4CataLOgue, Mechanical Engineering for Catalogu
    Duration: 2013. – 2015.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Jani Barle
  39. Studirajmo zajedno! – Let’s Study Together!
    Duration: 2012. – 2015.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Maja Štula
  40. SPRiNT – Smart Panels for the Reduction of Noise Transmission
    Acronym: SPRiNT
    Duration: 2011. – 2014.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Željko Domazet
  41. Logistics Personal Excellence by continuous Self-Assessment
    Duration: 2012. – 2014.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Ivica Veža
  42. Development of Guidance Manual for Life Cycle Analysis Application to Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technologies
    Duration: 2010. – 2011.
    FESB team project lead: prof. dr. sc. Frano Barbir

Completed bilateral projects

  1. SmartBots – autonomno upravljanje mobilnim robotima primjenom računalnog vida i modernih neuralnih mreža
    Collaboration: FESB and DAAD
    Duration: 2019. – 2020.
    Team lead: prof. dr. sc. Vladan Papić
  2. Sažeto uzorkovanje i superrezolucija u sustavima za nadzor temeljenih na optičkim senzorima i bespilotnim letjelicama
    Collaboration: FESB and Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore
    Duration: 2015. – 2016.
    Team lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Josip Musić
  3. Karakterizacija naprednih ćelijastih materijala s promjenjivom poroznosti
    Collaboration: FESB and Sveučilište u Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo
    Duration: 2014. – 2015.
    Team lead: prof. dr. sc. Željko Domazet
  4. Nadzirano i nenadzirano strojno učenje temeljem nebalansiranih setova podataka kao pomoć pri kretanju slabovidnih osoba
    Collaboration: FESB and Sveučilište u Ljubljani, Fakultet za računalništvo in informatiko
    Duration: 2014. – 2015.
    Team lead: izv. prof. dr. sc. Josip Musić
  5. Eksperimentalno i numeričko ispitivanje APM kuglica s naprednom strukturom ćelija
    Collaboration: FESB and Sveučilište u Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo
    Duration: 2012. – 2013.
    Team lead: prof. dr. sc. Lovre Krstulović-Opara
  6. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Study of Power Line Communications (PLC) Services
    Collaboration: FESB and Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand
    Duration: 2011. – 2013.
    Team lead: prof. dr. sc. Dragan Poljak
  7. Primjena termografije u energetskom pregledu i energetskoj certifikaciji
    Collaboration: FESB and Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
    Duration: 2011. – 2012.
    Team lead: prof. dr. sc. Lovre Krstulović-Opara
  8. Umrežavanje i modeliranje razvojnih sposobnosti malih i srednje velikih poduzeća
    Collaboration: FESB and Fakulteta za strojništvo, Maribor
    Duration: 2009. – 2010.
    Team lead: prof. dr. sc. Ivica Veža
  9. Višerazinska dinamička analiza struktura s neravnomjernom raspodjelom otvorenih ćelija
    Collaboration: FESB and DAAD
    Duration: 2009. – 2012.
    Team lead: prof. dr. sc. Željko Domazet
  10. Elektronski nadzorni sistem za preprečavanje naravnih nesreč
    Collaboration: FESB, DAT-CON, Sveučilište u Mariboru
    Duration: 2009. –
    Team lead: prof. dr. sc. Darko Stipaničev
  11. Dinamička čvrstoća toplinski rezanih elemenata konstrukcija
    Bilateral science project with Republic of Slovenia
    Duration: 2008. – 2010.
    Team lead: prof. dr. sc. Damir Jelaska
  12. Modeliranje i razvoj materijala s otvorenom strukturom ćelija
    Bilateralni projekt sa Slovenijom
    Duration: 2007. – 2008.
    Team lead: prof. dr. sc. Lovre Krstulović-Opara
  13. Razvoj novih metoda određivanja pogonske čvrstoće strojnih dijelova
    Bilateralni projekt sa Slovenijom
    Duration: 2007. – 2008.
    Team lead: prof. dr. sc. Lovre Krstulović-Opara
  14. Višerazinsko numeričko i eksperimentalno modeliranje nehomogenih materijala temeljeno na brzoj izradi prototipova
    Collaboration: FESB and DAAD
    Duration: 2006. – 2007.
    Team lead: prof. dr. sc. Lovre Krstulović-Opara