The group has 1 research center and 2 research laboratories established:
The group’s research activities are concentrated on both basic research and applied research in several research areas connected with application of intelligent systems and intelligent technologies in environmental protection. This integration of technology and environment provides (artificial) ‘environmental intelligence’ as a special case of a new generation communication environment in which applications and services are focused on the ‘user’, and the user is the environment itself in which a greater degree of protection and self-protection is achieved.
Within these research activities, the first part of the research with special emphasis is artificial perception, observers of natural changes and / or phenomena, application of advanced procedures of digital analysis and understanding of the image and integration of augmented reality in environmental observers. In doing so, special emphasis will be placed on modern methods of deep learning and data preparation for the learning process.
The second part of the research relates to the field of application of modern artificial and computational intelligence procedures in the field of remote sensing and analysisi of satelite images.
The third part of the research is related to the application of modern ICT technologies in predicting the risk of plant fires, and is related to the H2020 project FirEUrisk. Our research task is specifically related to the development of new procedures for determining the fire propagation potential (FESB coordinates propagation potential research at the level of the entire project).
The fourth part of the research is related to the development of intelligent systems related to recognizing the attention and focus of human operators in surveillance and monitoring systems.
The fifth part of the research refers to the application of artificial intelligence in nutrition-oriented gastronomy through research into an expert way of selecting recipes by nutritional characteristics with the application of cognitive vision.
The sixth part of the research is focused on natural language processing, analysis and understanding.